As a coach and a consultant, I preach the importance of “unplugging” and “recharging” as a way to increase creativity, energy, productivity and overall well-being.  On a recent family vacation, I set into practice what I preach.\n

I left my laptop at home and headed to Sunriver, Oregon for a taste of the outdoors. Instead of being tethered to my desk, on the phone or in meetings, I went hiking, mountain-biking and river-rafting. I did not read one email.

\nWhat did I do instead?\n


  • 8 days of quality time spent with my son
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  • 3 trips down the Paulina Plunge natural waterslide
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  • 4 Class 3 rapids crossed
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  • 1 family sing-a-long with a local musician
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  • 1 book of fiction read (all work related articles or books were left at home too)
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  • 215 photos taken
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  • 27 family meals eaten
  • \n

  • Daily deer sightings
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  • 3 family game nights (I was not the victor in any)
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  • 1 – 500 piece puzzle completed
  • \n

  • 2 afternoon naps
  • \n

\nWhat did I miss while I was gone?  Nothing critical! Clients knew I was leaving and respecting my choice to unplug.  It took me a half a day upon my return to sort through my inbox.  I was able to delete 90% of the emails.  The remaining 10% I handled in the next couple of days. I highly recommend a digital detox.  I promise the world will not come to an end if you do.\n\nFull disclosure:  I took my cell phone but only to take pictures like this one.\n\nphoto\n\n I wasn’t even tempted to email, tweet or surf the web.