This coming Sunday I will run my first half marathon, Big Sur at Monterey Bay.  I’ll be joined by my two friends, Karen Waller and Julee Holland, and 9,000 other runners on a scenic journey of 13.1 miles.  I am ready.  I have been training and feel prepared.   I have confidence that my legs will carry me where I need to go.\n\nThey greater challenge will be mental, and to help with that aspect of the race here are some of the things I plan to say to myself as I run.\n


  • I can
  • \n

  • One foot in front of the other
  • \n

  • Run my own race
  • \n

  • Breathe
  • \n

  • Smile
  • \n

  • Shoulders down
  • \n

  • Run, Forest, run
  • \n

  • Hydrate
  • \n

  • Enjoy the scenery
  • \n

  • Rain? What rain?
  • \n

  • Finish strong
  • \n

\nI have equal confidence that this type of positive thinking will help carry me across the finish line of the race AND of life.