“I love this idea of wrong thinking-of encouraging people who have ideas to go see if they work and not dismissing them just because they sound like the wrong solution. No has the right answer at the beginning. I made 5,127 prototypes of the bagless vacuum before I got it right.”   James Dyson, Found and CEO of Dyson


Simply stated James Dyson is a man that likes to make things work better. He started with an idea – a vacuum with no loss of suction and turned it into a global business with over 3,000 people.


\n\nIt also took nearly 5 years, a brush with bankruptcy, mountains of rejection from major manufacturers and yes 5,127 prototypes to get it right. Since those early days Dyson’s products have gone to achieve over $6 billion worldwide.\n\nSo deep in his believe that “wrong thinking” is a critical skill for our future workforce, his foundation provides workshops where students solve engineering challenges in a hands-on way helping them to fail often and boldly in their search for solutions.  www.jamesdysonfoundation.com\n\nLeaders must learn to encourage and embrace failures. Seth Godin sums it up, “Failures that don’t kill us make us bolder, and teach us one more way that won’t work, while opening the door to things that might.”\n\nSo bypass the typical resolutions and commit to doing more “wrong thinking” in 2012.\n\n \n\n