\nAs a leader you need a lot of energy.\n\nOrganizations require even more from their workforces, but working longer and harder does not cut it any longer. It merely results in an exhausted, disengaged and sick employees which leads to turnover and lost productivity.\n\nUnlike time which is limited.  Energy is renewable.\n\nAre you currently working 12 hour days? Sleeping poorly? Not exercising? Disengaged from your family?  What good are you as a leader if you always feel like you’re at the breaking point.\n\nTo achieve more sustainable performance, think about work as a sprint versus a marathon.\n\nShift your focus from getting more out of yourself, to investing more in yourself, so you are motivate, and able to bring more of yourself to work everyday.\n\nYou need to recognize your own energy depleting behaviors and take responsibility to change those behaviors.\n\nGreater capacity makes it possible to do more in less time.\n\nBy fostering simple rituals that help you regularly replenish your energy, you can build  physical, emotional and mental resilence that will help you lead.\n\nThese rituals might include breaks at specific intervals every 90-120 minutes, expressing appreciation of others, reducing interruptions and spending more time doing activities you enjoy.\n\nWhat do you do to rejuvenate your personal energy?\n\nBe your best, lead with energy.\n\n