A wise man recently reminded me, that most of the things we worry about  never happen.\n\n40% will never happen, for anxiety is the result of a tired mind,\n\n30% concerns old decisions which cannot be altered,\n\n12% centers in criticisms, mostly untrue, made by people who feel inferior,\n\n10% is related to my health which worsens while I worry, and only\n\n8% is “legitimate,” showing that life does have real problems which may be met head on\n\nwhen I have eliminated senseless worries.\n\nWorry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow;\n\nit only saps today of its strength.\n\nA.J. Cronin\n\nBut we worry and obsess none the less, expending a tremendous amount of energy that if otherwise redirected could be used much more productively. As leaders we must focus on the important, not the urgent. Those things are the “8%” – real stuff that we might be able to do something about.\n

For the rest of the worries, express them to a “worry doll” and tuck them away. The doll will worry for you so you can rest peacefully and wake up without your worries which the doll has taken away.  In turn, you can focus on the real issues and work toward finding solutions that will take these worries away as well.


800D2 - 2 Inch Worry Dolls - Set of 12

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