There is much written about leadership, and I am often asked what characteristics I think make a strong leader.    So here are J9’s ABC’s of Leadership:\n\n \n



    • Authentic – genuine, real, true to self
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    • Being – leadership is a way of being
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    • Caring – show concern and compassion  for others
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  • Delegation – effective leaders don’t try to do it all themselves, they achieve results through others
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  • Energy – need lots of it to fuel the organization, it’s contagious
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  • Fully Engaged – be present, involved and interested
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  • Grow People –  coach and develop others to reach their potential
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  • Honest –  in principles, intentions and actions
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  • Inspire –  guide and influence others toward excellence
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  • Joyful – show and express happiness, a smile goes a long way
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  • Knowledgeable –  is well-informed and intelligent
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  • Levity – have fun, play, laugh
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  • Mastery – strive for highest levels of knowledge and skill
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  • New Ideas – break the mold, can see with new eyes, creates – dreams
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  • Optimistic – look at the bright side, see the possibilities and the opportunities even in the face of adversity
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  • Perceptive – show insight,  understanding and intuition
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  • Quality – it matters- set high standards and expect excellence
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  • Resilient – able to bounce back and quickly recover when faced with a difficult situation, and as a leader there will be many
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  • Solution driven – strive to find innovative and win-win solutions to problems
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  • Transparent – open and willing to share not just information but feelings and emotions as well
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  • Understanding – empathetic to others situation and state of being
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  • Visionary –  see what others cannot
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  • Willingness – ready, willing and able to take risks and go for it
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  • Xcellence – disciplined to achieve the highest level of service
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  • Youth – values upcoming generations and new perspectives offered
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  • Zenith – the culmination of all these traits – a thriving organization, with satisfied customers and happy employees
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