In a recent keynote speech I asked a room full of over 100 people, how many of you worked out today? How many hands do you think went up? One! Only one person made it to the gym. Similarly, very few people actively exercise the right side of their brain. People get stuck in their left brain analytical world and don’t know how to break out. Just like you need to do curls to build your bicep muscle, there are things that we can do to flex the right side of our brains to be more creative.\n\nWhen asked, 68% of workers report creativity is the number one skill they need but no training is offered by their company according to the Ill-Prepared U.S. Workforce Research report. And a recent Fast Company article reported that for CEO’s creativity is now the most important leadership quality for success in business.\n\n\nEncouraging employees to work together and be creative to tackle tough issues on their own is not a luxury, but a survival tool. We’ve trained hundreds of people to be more creative. Imagine a workplace where employees don’t complain about problems. Instead, they work with you and each other to present positive solutions to the challenges they face. It’s not a fantasy. It can be a reality.\n\nWe use a step-by-step process to find ways to produce better products or services to continually meet, or exceed customer expectations and harnesses the collective genius of the team you’re working with to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and increase morale. What can a leader do?\n


  • Provide employees training opportunities to generate ideas and creative solutions
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  • Use mind-mapping as a way to capture, record, research, and follow through on those ideas
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  • Give people opportunity to practice “Whole-Brain” thinking and draw out their creative potential
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  • Encourage employees to take risks
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  • Help people learn from failures – many of the best ideas are not the first ones that are tried
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\nIf you’re looking for tools to bring out your team’s creative potential we’re here to help.\n\n