




The APC has invited us to be their featured speaker for their October event.   Along with my business partner Linda Krall, author of The Wild Idea Club, we will be facilitating an interactive workshop sharing tools for better consulting, better teams, and better outcomes.

\nBecause we often work “outside” of the organization and company culture, encouraging employees to work together to tackle tough issues on their own is not a luxury, but a survival tool.\n\nImagine a workplace or consulting project where employees don’t complain about problems. Instead, they work with you and each other to present positive solutions to the challenges they face.\n\nSound interesting? Then you’ll want to hear our presentation The Wild Idea Club!\n\nThis presentation will share an easy, step-by-step approach that harnesses the collective genius of the team you’re working with to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and increase morale.\n\nThis solution-packed presentation will provide:\n


  • Tips and techniques to help people generate ideas and select the best ones.
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  • The best ways to capture, record, research, and follow through on those ideas.
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  • Strategies to help your people pitch their ideas.
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  • And much more.
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\nIf you’re a consultant looking for tools to bring out the best in your project teams, you won’t want to miss this fun, creative session. And, if your client is looking to bring the best out in their employees, bring him or her as your guest!\n\nOctober 15, 2009 — 5:00 p.m.\nDoubletree Club Hotel, Santa Ana\n\nReserve your spot at the meeting.\n\n

