Detour Ahead


I frequently run a loop around  a lake in the Laguna Niguel Regional Park.   Today, I ran into a detour.  They were working on the bridge so I couldn't go on my normal route.

Detour Ahead2012-09-18T17:27:05-08:00

Leading in a Matrix Organization


In a matrix organization the emphasis is on sharing expert/specialist resources across projects that may, themselves, have shared leadership between project management and functional management. Because of this, for a matrix organization to be successful,

Leading in a Matrix Organization2017-07-15T11:46:57-08:00

35 is the new 80


Remember the days when people bragged about the hours they logged at the office.   It was a badge of honor to be the last person to leave the office.   The tide is changing.\n\nI was reconnecting with

35 is the new 802017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00
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