Are Coaches Worth the Money?


Hiring a business coach isn't cheap - it's an investment.  An investment in your career.  An investment in your life.  An investment in your relationships.  Ask anyone who has ever hired a coach and they

Are Coaches Worth the Money?2017-08-08T15:24:56-08:00

A Leader’s Guide to Building Relationships and Employee Engagement: Tip #6 – Share Constructive Feedback


Welcome, Tip # 6 encourages you to give your employees the kind of constructive feedback that can help them change, grow and improve. Without clear and direct feedback, it's difficult for employees to change, improve

A Leader’s Guide to Building Relationships and Employee Engagement: Tip #6 – Share Constructive Feedback2017-03-23T14:53:07-08:00

Wow! What a Ride – 50 Years and Counting


Born on New Year's day, 2017 represents not only the beginning of a new year, but the beginning of the next decade of my life.  These past weeks have been filled with introspection and I started

Wow! What a Ride – 50 Years and Counting2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

Simple Acts of Leadership


December is not a time to wind down, it's time to kick your focus on being a better leader into high gear.  As a holiday gift for you I have created a December Leadership Accelerator Calendar.

Simple Acts of Leadership2016-12-05T15:06:40-08:00

Leadership Program for Nonprofit Executive Directors Launches


The Volunteer Center of Orange is offering a new leadership development program called Leadership@Work for Executive Directors in the nonprofit sector facilitated by Janine McDonald.    A grant from American Express provided scholarships  for emerging

Leadership Program for Nonprofit Executive Directors Launches2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00
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