More Love, Less Hustle


What if you chose to live this year with more love and less hustle? How would your state of mind and well-being be impacted? How might you gain more, by doing less? I was in

More Love, Less Hustle2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

Commit to Commit


Here it is again...the time of year that spawns many abandoned resolutions. Ditch the laundry list of resolutions and make 2013 about committing to  a "big hairy audacious" goal and keeping it.\n\nTell people about your

Commit to Commit2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

Resolve to be a People Person


10 Resolutions every leader should make in 2011\n\n\n To get to know people on a more personal level\n To make time for professional development for yourself and others\n To communicate more frequently, and then communicate

Resolve to be a People Person2017-07-15T11:46:58-08:00
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