Simple Acts of Leadership


December is not a time to wind down, it's time to kick your focus on being a better leader into high gear.  As a holiday gift for you I have created a December Leadership Accelerator Calendar.

Simple Acts of Leadership2016-12-05T15:06:40-08:00

The Habit of Happy


People that cultivate a positive mind-set perform better in the face of challenge.  Our general sense of well-being is malleable.  The habits we cultivate, the way we interact with coworkers, how we think about stress

The Habit of Happy2016-11-14T10:52:56-08:00

A Path to Well-Being


\n\nDid you know giving thanks is good for you and those around you. There are great social, psychological and physical health benefits that come from giving thanks.\n\nAs part of yoga certification program I completed this

A Path to Well-Being2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

Be Thankful


 \n\nBe thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,\nIf you did, what would there be to look forward to?\n\nBe thankful when you don’t know something\nFor it gives you the opportunity to learn.\n\nBe thankful for

Be Thankful2013-11-25T11:19:12-08:00

Gratitude’s Gumption


"Gratitude turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order and confusion into clarity.  It turns problems into gifts, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events."  Melodie Beattie\n\nGratitude is the restorative agent of well-being.

Gratitude’s Gumption2012-11-15T17:21:25-08:00

See with your Heart


I want to encourage you to allow yourself to simply experience the beauty life offers us every day,to find joy in giving, be grateful for what we have and find meaning  in everyday moments that

See with your Heart2010-11-22T11:09:42-08:00
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