Simple Acts of Leadership


December is not a time to wind down, it's time to kick your focus on being a better leader into high gear.  As a holiday gift for you I have created a December Leadership Accelerator Calendar.

Simple Acts of Leadership2016-12-05T15:06:40-08:00

The Gift of Feedback


This year give yourself the gift of gathering feedback from other people. Try this: interview two people - one you work with and one at home. These should be people who are important to you, people

The Gift of Feedback2017-07-15T11:46:56-08:00

The Best Gift


Let's be honest, while it's wonderful to give, it's not so bad to receive either.  I especially look forward to the gifts my son makes for me.  This year I was even more touched by

The Best Gift2017-07-15T11:46:57-08:00

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth


People crave feedback.   They don't receive enough of it.  Often when they do receive it, they are unsure what to do with it.  Ever see someone mutter with embarrassment when they are praised or

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00
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