For the second time in two years, Apple CEO Steve Jobs,  announced his medical leave.  His absence is a big loss for Apple.  Or is it?

\nBy taking himself from the day-to-day operations at Apple, Steve can think bigger-picture and longer-term about gadgets, technology, and how humans will use them in the future.\n\nI heard this news on the heels of buying, The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs, by Carmine Gallo.   I haven’t had the chance to read it all the way through, but I thought sharing the seven principles of Innovation, inspired by the legend himself was timely.\n\n1. Do what you love – think differently about your career\n\n2. Put a dent in the universe – think differently about vision\n\n3. Kick start your brain – think differently about how you think\n\n4.Sell dreams, not products – think differently about customers\n\n5. Say no to 1,00 things – think differently about design\n\n6. Create insanely great experiences – think differently about your brand experience\n\n7. Master the message – think differently about your story\n\nApple’s  company slogan “Think Different” has been a game changing approach to innovation that anyone can apply to any field or endeavor.   A colleague of mine recently tested  principle 5 – “say no to 1,000 things” in redesigning the website for his business.   He said no, and no again, and yet no a bunch more times…the end result an incredible design.  He stretched his design team, and they stretched their thinking in new and innovation ways.\n\nThere is no question, Jobs is a genius.    We wish him a speedy recovery.