J9 Leading Solutions has the opportunity to work with BPSOS, an impressive nonprofit organization that is working hard to continually empower and enable the Vietnamese community since the mass immigration after the Vietnam war. Janine McDonald will assist BPSOS with community outreach and strategic planning. By identifying the needs and matching resources the organization will be able to better equip individuals in their pursuit of liberty and dignity.\n\nBPSOS has 18 locations in the U.S. and 4 offices in Southeast Asia and Taiwan and provide services for families, individuals and communities.   Statistically speaking, 1 in 10 Vietnamese Americans have received help from BPSOS since 1980.\n\nBPSOS was founded in 1980 and initially was sending out teams to help rescue the refugees at sea escaping to America from Vietnam. Over 3,000 victims were rescued from pirates, sea storms, and other odds thanks to the efforts of BPSOS.   In 1990, Vietnamese people were no longer welcome in foreign countries and BPSOS took on the task of resettling these repatriated refugees to the countries they were trying to flee to through the use of lawyers and the Legal Assistance for Vietnamese Asylum Seekers (LAVAS) project.\n\nNow, BPSOS is focusing on the citizens that have settled in the U.S. and how to continue to support them as they try to continue their cultural legacy through the lives of their children and future generations. Now with a staff of over 140, BPSOS serves through a variety of programs in direct services, advocacy, community organizing and development, research, and media.\n\nSee the great things that BPSOS is doing here.