A Leader’s Guide to Building Relationships: Tip # 2 Connect with People to Build Trust


Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship.  In our Leader's Guide to Building Relationships, Step #2 is to connect with people to build trust. Concept:   In sharing more about yourself as a person and being vulnerable, you will start to build trust.  When you seek to understand more about others, this shows that you care about them as a person and trust will grow even deeper. Ask Yourself:  How much do I know about each of my

A Leader’s Guide to Building Relationships: Tip # 2 Connect with People to Build Trust2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

Magic Unleashed


Following a two-day staff retreat, a client recently said to me, "I just love seeing  you work your magic."   Now, I don't saw people in half or pull rabbits out of a hat, but

Magic Unleashed2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00
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