The Lightness of Being


The moment we try to be still, we discover just how restless our mind can be. The harder we force it to be calm, the worse it gets.   With practice we can come into

The Lightness of Being2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

Using the F Word at Work


Some people would rather drop the "f" bomb at work than talk about the other "f" word - feelings.  That's right - feelings have a place at work.  How can they not?We are after all

Using the F Word at Work2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

The Least Amount


I have always been one to give my fullest effort, but at a certain point in my life between family, career and well-being that became almost impossible. As I started to reexamine my life, I

The Least Amount2017-07-15T11:46:54-08:00

For Better Results, Manage Your Energy


Help me manage my time. Help me prioritize my work. Help me get more done. Okay!  I recorded a podcast that can help you get more done in less time by focusing not on checklists

For Better Results, Manage Your Energy2017-07-15T11:46:55-08:00

Forget about Time: Learn to Manage Disruptions


It’s Friday afternoon, on the 4th of July holiday weekend. I am running out of time to “ship” my blog. I am not answering the phone, watering the flowers or packing my bags for our

Forget about Time: Learn to Manage Disruptions2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

35 is the new 80


Remember the days when people bragged about the hours they logged at the office.   It was a badge of honor to be the last person to leave the office.   The tide is changing.\n\nI was reconnecting with

35 is the new 802017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00
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