Are you asking the right questions?


It’s been said that training isn’t telling.   Well either is coaching.    People often expect that a coach will tell them what to do – fix their problem.   In reality, coaching is about

Are you asking the right questions?2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth


People crave feedback.   They don't receive enough of it.  Often when they do receive it, they are unsure what to do with it.  Ever see someone mutter with embarrassment when they are praised or

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00

The Truth about Motivation


As a consultant I've been asked by many leaders, "How do I motivate my people?" Last week I had the opportunity to hear author,  Daniel Pink speak on the topic of his latest book, "Drive:

The Truth about Motivation2017-07-15T11:46:59-08:00
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